The Fan Brigade is an award-winning musical comedy duo made up of Livi Reihana and Amanda Kennedy. The duo burst onto the comedy scene after meeting on Twitter in 2014 and have been making waves ever since.
Their first Festival show, Ask the Fan Brigade, won them the Best Newcomer Award in 2016, and they were featured on NZCT’s televised AotearoHA: Rising Stars in November of that year. Since this appearance, the duo have been featured on TV’s 7 Days, The Project, and The Café. They also found success on Youtube, where their music video for RSA has garnered over 17,000 views.
In 2017 The Fan Brigade performed in 13 NZ cities from Invercargill to Whangarei as part of the NZCT’s Best Foods Best Comedy Show On Earth National Tour.
The following year, the Fan Brigade debuted Feminazi Bitches in the NZICF, which enjoyed sell-out seasons in Auckland and Wellington, and for which they were awarded the Director’s Choice Award. Livi Reihana was also asked to speak as part of Dialogue Matters, the 2019 NZCT show that brings together comedians and members of the community to talk about more serious issues.